delivery & shipping
delivery and shipping
The dispatch takes place within 1-3 working days after receipt of payment by DHL.
The shipping costs for Germany are €2.80. From a goods value of more than €25.00, shipping is free of charge for you.
Switzerland €4.50. From a goods value of more than €30.00, shipping is free of charge for you.
Austria currently no Shipping is possible.
Belgium & Netherlands €4.50. From a goods value of more than €30.00, shipping is free of charge for you.
France, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Czech Republic €5.00. Shipping is free for orders over €40.
The shipping costs are 5€ and are free for you from a value of 40€.
USA we accept PayPal or Creditcard. T
he shipping costs are 5€ and are free for you from a value of 40€.
If the delivery is outside the EU, customs duties or taxes may apply, which we do not assume and which you must bear.